What affects web credibility perception? An analysis of textual justifications


  • Michał Kąkol Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw
  • Radosław Nielek Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw




credibility, world wide web, credibility ratings, reliability, credibility assessment heuristics, credibility evaluation factors


In this paper, we present the findings of a qualitative analysis of 15,750 comments left by 2,041 participants in a Reconcile web credibility evaluation study. While assessing the credibility of the presented pages, respondents of the Reconcile studies were also asked to justify their ratings in writing. This work attempts to give an insight into the factors that affected the credibility assessment. To the best of our knowledge, the presented study is the most-recent large-scale study of its kind carried out since 2003, when the Fogg et al. How do users evaluate the credibility of Web sites? A study with over 2,500 participants’ paper was published. The performed analysis shows that the findings made a decade ago are still mostly valid today despite the passage of time and the advancement of Internet technologies. However we report a weaker impact of webpage appearance. A much bigger dataset (as compared to Fogg’s studies) allowed respondents to reveal additional features, which influenced the credibility evaluations.


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How to Cite

What affects web credibility perception? An analysis of textual justifications. (2015). Computer Science, 16(3), 295. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2015.16.3.295

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