Agent-based Data Integration Framework


  • Łukasz Faber AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science, Krakow



data integration, multi-agent systems


Combining data from diverse, heterogeneous sources while facilitating a unified access to it is an important (albeit difficult) task. There are various possibilities of performing it. In this publication, we propose and describe an agent-based framework dedicated to acquiring and processing distributed, heterogeneous data collected from diverse sources (e.g., the Internet, external software, relational, and document databases). Using this multi-agent-based approach in the aspects of the general architecture (the organization and management of the framework), we create a proof-of-concept implementation. The approach is presented using a sample scenario in which the system is used to search for personal and professional profiles of scientists.


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How to Cite

Faber, Łukasz. (2014). Agent-based Data Integration Framework. Computer Science, 15(4), 389.

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