full-mould, coatings, strength, permeability, gas evolution tendencyAbstract
A review of various technologies using expendable casting patterns made of expanded polystyrene is given in the paper. The results of our own investigations on implementing this technology at the pilot-plant scale – for the art castings series – were presented. The results of tests of materials and moulds applied in the full-mould technology were shown. Gas evolution tendencies of expanded polystyrenes and protective coatings were estimated. Gas evolutions were described as functions of the polystyrene heating temperature. The tests of protective coatings used in this technology were performed and strength (Rm), permeability (P), and gas evolution tendency of these coatings assessed. New solutions developed by the team of researchers were applied in testing coating strength, permeability, and the gas evolution tendency of expanded polystyrene. A good correlation between the results of coating properties and the obtained casting quality was found. Coatings, which were characterised by higher strengths and better permeability, allowedus to produce castings without surface or inner faults.
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