hypoeutectic silumins, shrinkage microporosity, castings tightness, computer simulation, statistical analysisAbstract
This article presents the possibility of decreasing dispersed shrinkage microporosity in castings of hypoeutectic alloying silumins, as a result of narrowing – within the standards or industrial specifications – the content of particular elements of the chemical composition: alloying additionsand/or impurities. This relatively-simple and, at the same time, inexpensive method can often lead to a quick solution of this type of defects in castings and the improvement of their tightness. In order to orientate the chemical composition towards an optimal content computer-aided statistical processing was conducted (using Statistica Ver. 9 software) with the application of figures directly related to shrinkage microporosity as well as indirectly related to the temperature range
of crystallisation (ΔT = Tlik – Tsol). This data came from literature and MAGMASoft® software for simulations of pouring and solidification processes in castings. The achieved results were verified under industrial conditions.
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