Publication Ethics

  1. Editorial Board
  • Our journal has editorial boards consisting of renowned researchers in the field of geotechnology and energy. 
  1. Authors and Authors responsibilities
  • The publication of the paper is free of charge.
  • Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.
  • Authors fill out a dedicated form (AUTHOR STATEMENT FORM) describing their contribution to the paper. Only researchers who significantly contributed to the paper can be listed as authors.
  • All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes in the process of review and author correction.
  • The authors must put the information about financing of their work in the paper itself.
  • It is forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal.
  1. Peer-review process
  • All of our papers are subjected to peer-review.
  • We ask for reviewing only experts in the field connected with the particular paper's substance.
  • The reviewer's comments should be made objective and no conflict of interest is acceptable, therefore we follow the double-blind review process, we do our best to select independent reviewers, possibly from another country (different to the one where authors come from) and we are ready to change the reviewers assignment if they report still a potential conflict of interest.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
  • Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
  1. Publication ethics
  • Publishers and editors take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. Therefore we follow an anti-plagiaris and anti-ghostwriting procedure, checking for the same content as in the submitted paper, published elsewhere, BEFORE THE ACTUAL REVIEW PROCESS IS STARTED.
  • We have a predefined AUTHOR STATEMENT FORM, stating clearly rights of the authors and stating that the published work is original, not printed elsewhere. However, in the event that we are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, we will be contacting the authors, the author's supervisors or employees, finally the appropriate court in order to clarify this issue.
  • If in the course of clarifying the issue, the allegation of plagiarism or any other misconduct is confirmed, the paper will be retracted or corrected based on the particular negotiations with the Editor in Chief, authors and the person who poses the allegation.
  • We are always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies should they be needed.
  • When any doubts arise regarding malpractices as ghost-writing, guest-authorship, plagiarism etc. we follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.
  1. Copyright and Access
  • Copyright and licensing information is described in details on our AUTHOR STATEMENT FORM.
  • The papers are distributed along with the Open Access mode stated clearly in Submission section.
  1. Archiving
  • The journal content is archived using professional appliances owned by AGH University of Krakow. Moreover full versions of our papers are archived in several internal (AGH Main Library). Even in the case the journal no longer is published, the contents will be available. 
  1. Ownership and management
  1. Web site
  • We do our best to care to ensure high ethical and professional standards, therefore all the relevant information is available on this website.
  1. Publishing schedule
  • The journal is published quarterly (in March, June, September and December) and we are doing our best to print it on-time (usually: initial manuscript evaluation - approx. 2 weeks, review - approx. 2 months). 
  1. Name of journal
  • The name of the journal: "Journal of Geotechnology and Energy" is unique worldwide and we don't undertake any misleading deeds in order to attract the readers or authors to our journal.