About the Journal

jgeThe Journal of Geotechnology and Energy is a quarterly published by the Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas at the AGH University of Krakow, Poland.

Journal is an interdisciplinary, international, peer-reviewed, and gold open access journal.

Journal of Geotechnology and Energy is a continuation of a nonperiodic series Zeszyty Naukowe AGH – Wiertnictwo Nafta Gaz started in 1985. In 2012, the quarterly Wiertnictwo Nafta Gaz  was transferred into AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas and in 2021 into Journal of Geotechnology and Energy. As a result of this development, the thematic scope of accepted articles has been broadened.

We publish original articles concerning theoretical and applied research. Discussion and review papers presenting the current state of the art as well as new and emerging scientific ideas are also welcomed. Main areas of interest of the journal are: energy, geomechanics, geotechnics, drilling, reservoir engineering, geology, petroleum engineering, logging, management and protection of reservoirs, geothermal energy, groundwater, natural gas industry, hydrogen energy, CCS/CCSU, sustainable energy and environment.

Articles are published in English. Publication of scientific articles in Journal of Geotechnology and Energy is free of charge, while our journal is non-profit.

Journal of Geotechnology and Energy is sponsored in full by AGH University of Krakow and published by AGH University Press.

Current Issue

Vol. 41 No. 4 (2024): JGE - early bird
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