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Wytyczne dla autorów

For papers published in journal you can download the "Guidelines for Authors" as a PDF file here (after login). 



- 2021.02.01 -


The Geotourism (Geoturystyka) is an Open Access journal, which publishes original, scientific and information papers as well as reviews devoted to all aspects of geotourism. The submitted papers must have not been published or must not be under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere, either entirely or partly, as printed matter or electronic media file. Upon the acceptance for publication, the Author(s) will be requested to submit, together with the final version of the manuscript, the Declaration (available as *.pdf file at our webpage), which will transfer the copyrights of the paper to the Publisher.


The submitted manuscripts must comply with all technical recommendations contained in the Guidelines for Authors. Each manuscript is subjected to double-blind peer review by two independent reviewers who are not affiliated either to the authors and their employing institutions or to the Editorial Board. Moreover, the technical details of the manuscript are checked also by an appointed member of the Editorial Board (supervising editor). Opinions of the reviewers and recommendations from the supervising editor are mailed to the corresponding author who is obliged to refer to each remark, to answer each question and to introduce corrections into the text. If the reviews are positive, the final version of corrected manuscript is presented to the Editorial Board for acceptance. The proof copy is mailed to the corresponding author for proofreading and final corrections. However, at the stage of proofreading, the author(s) cannot change the title and cannot substantially extend the text by introduction of new data or chapters, additional figures and/or tables. The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide about the article’s acceptance and its placement in the volume. The accepted paper cannot be published elsewhere (including electronic media) in the same form, in English or in other language, without the written consent of the Publisher as a copyright holder.


Papers are published in English. For foreign authors, the Editorial Board will provide Polish translation of title, abstract and key words. The Polish authors publishing in English are requested to submit the Polish version of title, abstract and key words but figure labels, inserts and captions within the figure bodies as well as table legends, column titles and names within the table bodies must be written in English.

Please, use consistently either U.S. or British spelling throughout the whole manuscript.


The manuscript must not exceed 15 pages, A4 size including title, abstract, keywords, main text body, acknowledgements, references, tables and figures. For longer papers please, contact the Editorial Board before submitting the manuscript.


The manuscript must contain the following elements:

  • title, up to two text lines (see par. 3),
  • author’s first name(s) and surname(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail address(es); please, specify the corresponding author,
  • abstract (see par. 3), 250-350 words long. Please, avoid paragraphs, figures, tables and references,
  • keywords – up to 6 (see par. 3),
  • main text body (see par. 7, 8),
  • acknowledgements if necessary (see par. 15),
  • references (for details see par. 17),
  • figures (photographs, maps, line drawings, etc.) as separate *.jpg or *.tiff files, (for details see par. 9‒13),
  • tables as separate *.doc files, (for details see par.14),
  • list of figure captions and table legends in separate *.doc file, (see par. 3).


The Authors are requested to submit supplementary documents:

  • Cover letter,
  • Declaration.


The manuscript organization must be consistent with the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) structure. Thus, the main text body must include the following chapters:

  • introduction explaining the aim of the paper and presenting the research problem,
  • presentation of materials used and research methods applied,
  • presentation of the results,
  • interpretation of the results and discussion,
  • conclusions.


The main text body must be prepared exclusively in Microsoft Word *.doc or *.rtf formats, A4 page size, left-margin justification. Please, use normal, plain Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 spacing and 2.5 cm all margins. For indents, please, use tab stops instead of space bar. Please, avoid boldface and italics for emphasis as well as field functions, spreadsheets and footnotes. Please, use automatic pagination and only two ranks of headings: major headings flush left, Times New Roman 14 point bold font and secondary headings flush left, Times New Roman 12 point font. Please, do not embed figures and tables in the text body and do not mark their intended positions. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently in the text. Please, use SI (metric) units. English geological terminology and spelling should be consistent with the Glossary of Geology edited by the American Geological Institute.


Sizes of figures and tables must not exceed the maximum printed area of the “Geotourism” page, which is 175 x 247 mm. Please, submit 1:1 scale drawings.


FIGURES (drawings, plots, maps, cross-sections, photographs) should be prepared as separate *.jpg or *.tiff files, numbered sequentially with consecutive numerical order. Authors are not charged for coloured figures. Each figure must have the name of the author. Figures captions must be attached as a separate *.doc or *.rtf file. If necessary, include references at the end of figure caption:

  • for line drawings: Fig. 1 Caption (after Smith, 2000);
  • for photographs: Fig. 2 Caption, photo J. Smith.

For composite plates, please mark the photos / drawings with capital letters (Arial font preferred) starting from the upper left photograph and continuing in alphabetical order, either down the columns (preferred) or in rows (from left to right).


Line drawings (cross-sections, profiles, maps, plots, etc.) can be prepared in any graphic software but must be submitted only as separate *.jpg or *.tiff files, 1:1 scale. Please, have in mind that at the minimum print-size line width of drawing must be 0.2 mm and minimum lettering must be 8pt (Sans Serif font preferred). Full-resolution illustrations should be delivered in electronic form in order to ensure best printing quality. Figure parts should be denoted with uppercase letters. Vector graphics must have fonts embedded in the files. Colour drawings should be created as CMYK.


Generally, coloured photographs are preferred over greyscales. Please, submit high-resolution electronic versions (at least 300 dpi for size 174 x 247 mm) in order to ensure best quality of prints. Each photograph caption must include the initial(s) and the surname of the author at the end of caption after coma; e.g.: Fig. 1 Caption, photo J. Smith. Please, submit each photograph as a separate *.jpg or *.tiff files. Please, do not modify photographs electronically – all necessary corrections will be made by the Publisher.


For scannned images, please use at least 600 dpi resolution and *.jpg or *.tiff format.


TABLES should be prepared using Microsoft Word table function, not the spreadsheet. Tables should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers and cited in the text, in consecutive numerical order. Each table must have title, which briefly explains the content (no more than 3 text lines). Table titles must be attached as a separate *.doc or *.rtf files. If previously published data are included, please, specify references at the end of caption; e.g.: Tab. 1 Title (after Smith, 2000).


If necessary, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS should be placed as a separate section at the end of main text body, before the References. Please, provide full names of funding institutions.


  1. References in the text body, in figures captions and in tables legends should contain only name(s) and year of publication (e.g.: Nowak, 2001; Kowalski & Nowak, 2002); if more than two authors participate, please, use (Nowak et al., 2003) format.

Please, provide full names of publishers, journals and conferences.


The list of references must be alphabetical. Please, follow the journal style:


Gray M., 2004. Geodiversity – valuing and conserving abiotic nature. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.

Migoń P., 2012. Geoturystyka. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.

Reynard E., Coratza P. & Regolini-Bissig G. (eds.), 2009. Geomorphosites. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München.

The Oxford English Dictionary, 1989. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Chapters in books:

Boothroyd I.C. & Nummedal D., 1978. Proglacial braided river outwash: a model for humid alluvial-fan deposits. In: Miall, A.D. (ed.), Fluvial Sedimentology. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoire, 5: 641‒668.

Cedro B., Mianowicz K. & Zawadzki D., 2009. Ocena walorów geoturystycznych stanowisk pochodzenia wulkanicznego Gór i Pogórza Kaczawskiego. In: Dudkowski M. (red.), Problemy Turystyki i Rekreacji, 2. Oficyna IN PLUS, Szczecin: 25‒35.

Hose T.A., 2006. Geotourism and interpretation. In: Dowling R.K. & Newsome D. (eds.), Geotourism, Elsevier Butterworth – Heinemann, Oxford: 221‒241.

Papers in printed journals:

Bruschi V.M., Cendrero A. & Albertos J.A.C., 2011. A Statistical Approach to the Validation and Optimisation of Geoheritage Assessment Procedures. Geoheritage, 3: 131­­–149.

Jasionowski M., 1995. Kredowa powierzchnia niedepozycji w okolicach Krakowa (Mydlniki, Zabierzów): rycia, drążenia, stromatolity. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 65: 63‒78.

Migoń P., 2011. Development of karst phenomena for geotourism in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). Geotourism, 26‑27: 3-24.

Papers in electronic journals:

Bobińska M., 2002. Ryzykowny kurs. Gazeta Prawna. [online], 22nd March, 105, 2. Available from: [accessed: 2003.02.27].

A DOI can be used to cite and link to electronic articles:

Štrba L., 2018. Analysis of Criteria Affecting Geosite Visits by General Public: a Case of Slovak (Geo)Tourists. Geoheritage. doi:

Conference proceedings:

Górski J., 2008. Geological features in the content of general tourist maps. In: Słomka T. (ed.), Geotourism and mining heritage – 4th International Conferennce GEOTOUR 2008, Abstracts, 26‑28 June 2008, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, IAGt – International Association for Geotourism, 20‒21.

Legal acts:

Dz.U. z 2011 r. nr 163, poz. 981 – Ustawa z dnia 9 czerwca 2011 r. Prawo geologiczne i górnicze.

Journal of Laws, 2011, No. 163, item 981 – 9.06.2011 Geological and Mining Law.

Dz.Urz. UE, 2006/702/WE – Decyzja Rady UE z dnia 6 października 2006 r. w sprawie strategicznych wytycznych wspólnoty dla spójności.

Official Journal of the European Union, 2006, Decision of EU Council of Oct. 6, 2006 on strategic guidelines of the Union for coherence.


In the text body, websites should cited as (www1), (www2), etc., numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers. In the references, please, provide full addresses in numerical order with dates of access, e.g.:

www1 ­– [accessed: 2017.03.21]

Unpublished materials should be cited in the text body as “personal communication” or “in preparation” and should not be included into the References except for PhD dissertations, BSc/MSc projects and industrial reports, which should be cited like books. However, for the industrial reports, the author(s) should obtain permission from the report owner.



Publications in the Geotourism/Geoturystyka journal are free of charge but the authors do not receive any gratification. The Editorial Board provides one free copy of volume with published paper sent at the address of each author.


The paper should be submitted to the Editorial Board in electronic form at the webpage address: Please, login as the “author”. The cover letter and declaration should be attached as “supplementary files” followed by figures, tables and figures/tables captions.


Author(s) are fully responsible for the contents of published materials including all necessary permissions resulting from copyright and intellectual property regulations.

Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Wszystkie zgłoszenia muszą spełniać następujące wymagania.

  • treść (abstrakt) mieści się w objętości 250 - 350 słów, bez akapitów, figur, tabel i powołań na literaturę;
  • tekst główny artykułu nie zawiera imion i nazwisk autorów, afiliacji jednostek naukowych, ich adresów i adresów email autorów;
  • tekst główny artykułu przygotowany został w programie Microsoft World (format *.doc lub *.rtf), rozmiar strony A4, czcionka Times New Roman 12 pt., interlinia 1,5 pt., wyrównanie tylko do lewego marginesu, wszystkie marginesy 2,5 cm;
  • w tekst główny artykułu nie wstawiono żadnych figur, ani w żaden sposób zaznaczono miejsca ich lokalizacji;

  • w tekście głównym nie stosowano przypisów, twardych spacji i arkuszy kalkulacyjnych;
  • spis literatury przygotowano zgodnie ze Wskazówkami dla Autorów (patrz pkt. 17 Wskazówek);
  • figury przygotowano zgodnie z wytycznymi, nazwano odpowiednio Fig.1, Fig.2 itd i zapisano jako oddzielne pliki *.jpg lub *.tiff (patrz pkt. 9-13 Wskazówek);
  • tabele przygotowano zgodnie z wytycznymi, nazwano odpowiednio Tab.1, Tab.2 itd i zapisano jako oddzielne pliki *.doc (patrz pkt. 14 Wskazówek);
  • podpisy do wszystkich figur i tabel zostały zebrane w osobnym dokument Microsoft World (*.doc) w kolejności numerycznej;
  • wraz pełnym manuskryptem zgłaszanego artykułu przygotowane zostały do przesłania do Redakcji nastepujące dokumenty:

    • List Przewodni do Redakcji wyjaśniający chęć opublikowania artykułu na łamach magazynu Geotourism/Geoturystyka,
    • Deklaracja autorska, wypełniona i własnoręcznie podpisana
    • Oświadczenie autora o procentowym udziale w powstaniu publikacji

Polityka prywatności

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.