Selected geotourist attractions of Death Valley, USA


  • Ewa Krzeszowska Politechnika Śląska Instytut Geologii Stosowanej



Death Valley National Park, Basin and Range Province, geotourist attractions, geology


Death Valley National Park located in the U.S. states of California and Nevada is one of many units within the National Park Service established because of their exceptional natural and geological values. Death Valley National Park is renowned
worldwide for its perfectly exposed, complex, unique and diverse geological resources. Within the park visitors encounter representatives of many geological epochs, from Precambrian metamorphic rocks exposed in the Black Mountains to recent desert sediments. This paper presents the geology of Death Valley and some of the most interesting geosites: Zabriskie Point, Badwater Basin, Devil’s Golf Course, Harmony Borax Works and Ubehebe Craters.


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How to Cite

Selected geotourist attractions of Death Valley, USA. (2013). Geotourism/Geoturystyka, 32-33, 59.