A Thermal Model of the Building for the Design of Temperature Control Algorithms


  • Paweł Skruch AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Electronics, Department of Automatics, Krakow, Poland




modeling, simulation, building, temperature dynamics, heat transfer


This paper presents an efficient and effective method for modeling the temperature dynamics in buildings. The method relies on the simultaneous application of heat transfer and engineering thermodynamics principles. The model takes into consideration dissipated thermal power from the room (heat loses by conduction and ventilation) and applied thermal power to the room (radiator, solar, and internal heat gains). The model parameters can be determined uniquely from the geometry of the building and thermal properties of construction materials. The model can be used to research and validate the algorithms for thermal control in the building. An exemplary building structure is used to verify the theoretical analysis and mathematical formulation. The example includes creating the model, calculating the parameters, designing the temperature control algorithm, and making the simulations.


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How to Cite

A Thermal Model of the Building for the Design of Temperature Control Algorithms. (2015). Automatyka/Automatics, 18(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.7494/automat.2014.18.1.9