Directions of the Development of the Metallization of Iron Alloy Products


  • Andrzej Szczęsny
  • Dariusz Kopyciński AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Edward Guzik AGH University of Science and Technology



The article discusses the future of the production of protective coatings based on the hot-dip galvanizing of iron-carbon alloys, such as steel or cast iron. Currently exploited zinc deposits will be exhausted in the next two decades and it will be necessary to start the exploitation of new deposits in order to maintain the supply or quantity of Zn on the global market. In both cases, it will be related to the increasing cost of zinc on world markets. Zinc-based protective coatings (one of the best corrosion protection methods) constitute almost 50% of the world’s zinc consumption. Economic issues with the constant increase in the price of Zn will force the change or modification of hot-dip galvanizing technology. The article presents data on the production, consumption and development of zinc prices on the global market. Possible directions are presented which producers of zinc coatings will have to follow in order to maintain sales markets, such as the modification of chemical compositions of protective alloys which could be an alternative to pure zinc coatings and the possibility of limiting zinc consumption based on the influence of the surface of galvanized elements, i.e. its metal matrix, and surface roughness.


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How to Cite

Directions of the Development of the Metallization of Iron Alloy Products. (2021). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 5(3), 40-44.