The Starunia collections in the Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv
Starunia, Lviv Natural History Museum, Ukraine, ozokerite, woolly rhinoceros, mammoth, Pleistocene fauna, Pleistocene floraAbstract
In the Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv there is a collection of a famous Pleistocene mammoth and a woolly rhinoceros, the so-called “first rhinoceros” from Starunia. The mammoth and the first rhinoceros were found 102 years ago, on 5th October and 6th November, 1907, respectively, in a shaft of an ozokerite (earth wax) mine near Starunia village (the Eastern Carpathians). The discovery of large Pleistocene mammals in Starunia was a spectacular, worldfamous scientific event. Beside the mammoth and the rhinoceros, many specimens of Pleistocene flora and fauna from Starunia and other places of the Fore-Carpathian region are exhibited in the Lviv Natural History Museum.Downloads
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