Geotourism merits of selected inanimate nature objects of Lithuania


  • Małgorzata Labus



Lithuania, glacial landscape, erratics, spit, gypsum karst, amber, mineral water


The short characteristic of Lithuanian geology is presented, as well as the landforms which are tightly connected to the sediments. The landscape was formed thanks to glacial and fluvioglacial processes. The land is covered mainly by Quaternary sediments. The outcrops of older rocks (Devonian, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Neogene periods) are rather rare. Although there are no mountains on the territory of Lithuania, the geomorphology of the country is differentiated. The kinds of landscape are: morainic hills and plains, wide river valleys, as well as narrow river gullies and many of lakes. One of the most interesting places in Lithuania is the Curonian Spit placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. It is full of sandy dunes, the highest in the Northern Europe. Moreover the Curonian Spit is famous for the real Lithuanian treasure – amber. In the article there are also presented some more worth-seeing places, e.g.: Biržai karst area (formed by gypsum and anhydrite rocks), Pakruojis region, well known thanks to the exploitation of Permian limestones and Devonian dolomites, and the large erratics locations.


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How to Cite

Geotourism merits of selected inanimate nature objects of Lithuania. Geotourism/Geoturystyka, 22-23, 19.