Geotouristic attractions of the Danakil Depression


  • Katarzyna Cieśluk Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Mirosław T. Karasiewicz Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Zdzisław Preisner



Ethiopia, Danakil, Danakil Desert, Afar, Afrera Lake, Erta Ale, volcanos, salt


Geotourists and unconventional tourists will be definitely interested in the Danakil Valley. It is rarely visited place but absolutely extraordinary in many ways. It is in an area of divergence of lithosphere plates and, therefore connected to that, seismic and
volcanic activity can be observed. Stunning terrain forms, geological
structures, colours and diversity seem to be unreal. This desert is very inhospitable due to poisonous exhalations, omnipresent salt, an extremely hot climate, water deficiency and the fact that fauna and flora don’t exist here. Despite all of these inconveniences, the
Danakil Valley is inhabited by the Afars, a population thriving mainly on primitive salt production. Their rare culture is worth attention too. Not so long ago they were hostile and even now natives
can be unpredictable and dangerous. Additionally, visitors should remember other difficulties: legal, organisational, financial and, above all, natural and climatic ones.


Author Biography

  • Zdzisław Preisner
    Toruń School of Banking


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How to Cite

Cieśluk, K., Karasiewicz, M. T., & Preisner, Z. (2014). Geotouristic attractions of the Danakil Depression. Geotourism/Geoturystyka, 36, 33.