Analyzing Activities of Mobile App Users Who are Preparing for Driving Tests as Sources of Knowledge about Consumer Behavior


  • Anna Zapiór AGH University of Science and Technology



This article presents the partial results from ongoing research that uses mobile applications that help individuals prepare for their driving license exams. The aim of the presented research is to analyze the activity of the users of these  applications (including their daily activities, any tasks that are performed, and the lengths of times that are spent on sample exams and tests). The theoretical implication of the article is to draw attention to the time of the highest consumer activity, while the practical implication is to emphasize the importance of using ICT (particularly, mobile applications) in knowledge and information management, marketing decision-making, and education.


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How to Cite

Anna Zapiór. (2024). Analyzing Activities of Mobile App Users Who are Preparing for Driving Tests as Sources of Knowledge about Consumer Behavior. Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 18, 65-81.