Use of Quick Response Quality Control (QRQC) method in process of problem-solving – case study
The article presents an assessment of the use of the QRQC problem-solving method in the production line area in a selected enterprise. This method is used to comprehensively solve problems observed in various areas of the company’s operation, including: quality, safety and logistics. Based on literature research, the literature was analyzed and criticized, the researched method was characterized, the principles on which it was based and the levels of its application were presented. The stages of
the implementation of QRQC method as well as the participants and their roles in the problem-solving process were presented. Then, using the diagnostic survey method, a survey questionnaire was developed and research was conducted among a representative group of operators working on the production line in a company that has been using the QRQC method to solve production problems for many years. The research made it possible to assess the functioning of this method in the studied enterprise, determine its advantages and disadvantages, assess employees’ understanding of the rules, ease of use of the method and support received from management during the entire QRQC process. The research results will allow the company to make mature decisions regarding the use and improvement of the functioning of the QRQC method. The conclusions from the study can be used by other companies that use this method or want to use it in their problem-solving practice in an effective and
efficient manner.
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