Simulation of the Impact of Waste Batteries on Ecosystem Reliability




battery, life cycle, modeling, ecosystem, reliability


To assess the impact of not just the battery as such but its multi-element composition on the state of the environment, a new approach is proposed through the determination of the reliability of ecosystems, which makes it possible to obtain quantitative indexes of the stability and losses of natural ecosystems. These data can be used as indicators of the state of the environment, and hence as the assessment of an environmental component that is important for determining the actual impact of the multi-element composition of batteries. On the basis of such indicators, which can be obtained using the SimaPro software, it is possible to calculate thresholds beyond which negative phenomena occur, as well as to predict and simulate situations, to carry out the mapping of sources of risks, to monitor changes, and this will allow identifying the causes of these changes or determining the factors that slow down or retard the approach of ecosystems to a critical state, i.e. to develop preventive measures to avoid disasters. The eco-indicator 99 is one of the methods that allows us to accept one estimate for the whole product - the so-called ecological index. It is the sum of all individual eco-points or partial indexes for all life-cycle processes. The computational procedure is carried out by summing up the results of weighing the phases of the life cycle.


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How to Cite

Simulation of the Impact of Waste Batteries on Ecosystem Reliability. (2020). Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 14(1).