A SPC strategy for decision making in manufacturing processes


  • Alain Gil Del Val Public University of Navarre, Mechanical, Energy and Materials Engineering Department Campus Arrosadía, 31006, Pamplona, Spain, e-mail: alain.gil@unavarra.es http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1653-7702
  • Bartosz Sawik AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management Mickiewicza 30, Krakow, Poland
  • Alba Agustín Public University of Navarre, Institute of Smart Cities, Integrated Group of Logistics and Transportation, Pamplona, Spain.
  • Javier Faulín Public University of Navarre, Institute of Smart Cities, Integrated Group of Logistics and Transportation, Pamplona, Spain.
  • Pedro María Diéguez




tapping, SPC, decision, quality, PCA


Tapping is an extensively employed manufacturing process by which a multi-teeth tool, known as tap, cuts a mating thread when driven into a hole. When taps are new or slightly worn the process is usually in control and the geometry of the resulting threads on the work piece is correct. But as the tap wear increases the thread geometry deviates progressively from the correct one and eventually the screw threads become unacceptable.

The aim of this paper consists on a development of statistical process control strategy for decision making according to data coming from the current signal of the tap spindle for assessing thread quality. It could operate on line and indicates when the tap wear is so critical that, if the process were continued, it would result in unacceptable screw threads. The system would be very cost-effective since the tapping process could be run without any operator intervention.

Author Biography

  • Pedro María Diéguez
    Public University of Navarre, Mechanical, Energy and Materials Engineering Department Campus Arrosadía, 31006, Pamplona







How to Cite

A SPC strategy for decision making in manufacturing processes. (2020). Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 13. https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2019.13.1-2.2778