The Effect of Environmental Criteria on Locating a Biorefinery: A Green Facility Location Problem
biorefinery, logistics, supply chainmanagement, facility location problem, milpAbstract
Underestimating facility location decisions may penalize business performance over the time. Those penalties usually have been studied from the economic point of view analyzing its impact on profitability. Additionally, the concern about the obtaining of sustainability is gaining importance leading to seek for renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, little attention has been paid on choosing a location considering environmental criteria. Thus, this work aims at determining a biorefinery location considering its impacts on natural resources. Therefore, a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed taking into account the crop location and the biomass production seasonality to obtain an apposite location that minimizes environmental impact. The initial version of this paper was presented at ICIL 2016 Conference.
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