About the Journal

Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services (p-ISSN 1896-8325, e-ISSN 2300-7087) is an interdisciplinary, international, peer-reviewed and open access journal. DMMS annually publishes papers of interest to the entire decision-making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services. DMMS's objective is to serve the entire decision-making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services. The journal encourages a variety of methodological approaches to decision-making in manufacturing and services. The papers may be theoretical or empirical, analytical or computational, and may be based on a variety of disciplinary foundations such as management, economics, operations research, computer science, engineering, psychology, etc. The DMMS also publishes state-of-the-art reports by invited authors, critical reviews, and special issues devoted to particular topics.


The electronic version of the journal is the primary one.
There is no article processing charge (APC) for publication in the journal; it is entirely free of charge
Articles are published in English only.
All manuscripts sent for publication are checked to compare their similarity with other published works. For this purpose, we use: iThenticate.
Articles are distributed according to the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.

Current Issue

Vol. 18 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30
  • Resilience of Robotic Solutions in Extreme Conditions

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6054
    Dariusz Sala, Pavlo Pikulin, Valentyn Sobchuk, Igor Kotsan
  • Six Sigma vs. other quality improvement tools A comparative analysis of trends in years 1985-2024

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6227
    Marcin Nakielski, Anna Ludwig
  • Predictions and Application of Queueing Analysis: A Case of Regional Hospital Limbe, Cameroon

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6442
    Daphne T. Machangara, Habiboulaye Amadou Boubacar, Giovanni Andreatta, Antony Ndolo
  • Analyzing Activities of Mobile App Users Who are Preparing for Driving Tests as Sources of Knowledge about Consumer Behavior

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6291
    Anna Zapiór
  • Application of Basic Machine-Learning Classifiers for Automatic Anomaly Detection in Shewhart Control Charts

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6345
    Aleksander Woźniak, Klaudia Krawiec, Roger Książek
  • Modeling the Market Value of a Product Based on New Technologies - Preliminary Tool Concept

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2024.18.6641
    Paweł Filipowicz
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