Resilience of Robotic Solutions in Extreme Conditions


  • Dariusz Sala AGH University of Krakow
  • Pavlo Pikulin AGH University of Krakow
  • Valentyn Sobchuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Igor Kotsan AGH University of Krakow



The study is devoted to the problems of using modern advanced technologies by logistics companies aimed at increasing the speed of technological operations and transforming business processes aimed at reducing financial costs, increasing the efficiency of the use of labour resources, and minimizing risks. Today, this is a decisive factor in increasing the company's competitiveness in the market, increasing profitability, and realizing long-term leadership. Innovative logistics is an effective tool for streamlining flow processes through the introduction of high-tech innovations in the operational and strategic management of market structures, which are aimed at improving the quality of customer service, increasing the efficiency of flow processes and reducing the total cost of their implementation in order to achieve key business objectives.
The paper examines approaches to the automation of business processes in the logistics sector, in the context of robotization of technological operations, taking into account the features due to the functioning of enterprises under the conditions of constant exposure to extreme risks. The concept of robotization of processes has been developed, which will increase the productivity and efficiency of business, help reduce operating costs, reduce the likelihood of personnel errors and contribute to improving business security. The results are implemented in the practice of a number of logistics companies in the real sector of the economy.


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How to Cite

Sala, D., Pikulin, P., Sobchuk, V., & Kotsan, I. (2024). Resilience of Robotic Solutions in Extreme Conditions. Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 18, 5-18.