Uncertainty Mathematical Models of Power Converters
thyristor-controlled converter, voltage source inverter, electric drive, multiplicative uncertainty, I I2 controller, oscillatory element, robust controlAbstract
The controller synthesis problem of the motor torque withparameters changes of the power converter is presented. The para-
meters uncertainty of the power converters described by gain and
time-delay are analysed in the article. The principles of determining
the range of the parameters variations are presented. The conver-
sion method from the parametric to the dynamic uncertainty which
can be useful to a robust controller optimization, is shown.
A multiplicative uncertainty weight as the oscillatory element
is proposed. The tuning of the I I2 controller parameters of the elec-
tromagnetic motor torque is introduced. The results are obtained by
applying the mixed sensitivity method (robust performance) which
is the optimization in 0∞ space
How to Cite
Uncertainty Mathematical Models of Power Converters. (2013). Automatyka/Automatics, 16(1), 73. https://doi.org/10.7494/automat.2012.16.1.73