
  • Wojciech BATKO AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Bartusz PRZYSUCHA Lublin University of Technology



acoustical measurements, statistical analysis of obtained results, estimation of the distribution, uncertainty


The authors focus their attention on the identification of the probability distribution density function of the sound level, which constitutes the basis for the proper statistical inferences and uncertainty assessments in the environment acousti­cal hazard control. Their functional form is a metric for the analysis of acoustical measurement results burdened with random errors. Its proper selection conditions the rightness of statistical inferences in relation to the analyzed noise effect. The problem of identification of the noise level probability distribution form was presented on the grounds of the sound La level monitored at one of the main streets in Lublin. The analysis of differences and references to the normal distribution form, commonly applied to statistical analysis of the acoustical measurement results, was carried out. It is the aim of the authors, that the presented results should become the basis of a broader discussion concerning new esti­mation procedures of the controlled noise indicators and their uncertainty assessment. Also new verification procedures of the rightness of model acoustical formalisms, assumed in numerous environment acoustic investigations, are re­quired.


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Author Biography

  • Bartusz PRZYSUCHA, Lublin University of Technology

    The authors focus their attention on the identification of the probability distribution density function of the sound level, which constitutes the basis for the proper statistical inferences and uncertainty assessments in the environment acousti­cal hazard control. Their functional form is a metric for the analysis of acoustical measurement results burdened with random errors. Its proper selection conditions the rightness of statistical inferences in relation to the analyzed noise effect. The problem of identification of the noise level probability distribution form was presented on the grounds of the sound La level monitored at one of the main streets in Lublin. The analysis of differences and references to the normal distribution form, commonly applied to statistical analysis of the acoustical measurement results, was carried out. It is the aim of the authors, that the presented results should become the basis of a broader discussion concerning new esti­mation procedures of the controlled noise indicators and their uncertainty assessment. Also new verification procedures of the rightness of model acoustical formalisms, assumed in numerous environment acoustic investigations, are re­quired.


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Batko W., Przysucha B. 2010, Determination of the Probability Distribution of the Mean Sound Level. Archives of Acoustics, vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 543-550.

Batko W., Przysucha B. 2011, Random Distribution of Long-Term Indicators of Variable Emission Conditions. Acta Physica Polonica A, 119, pp. 1086-1090.

Directive 2002/49/WE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002, relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, Official Journal ofthe European Communities 18.07.2002.

International Organization for Standardization 1993, 1995 (corrected and reprinted), Guide to Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement.

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