Research on New Al-Ag-Mo Alloys Dedicated to Wire Applications in Overhead Power Lines


  • Justyna Grzebinoga AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Andrzej Mamala AGH University of Krakow, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  • Wojciech Ściężor AGH University of Krakow, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  • Radosław Kowal AGH University of Krakow, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland



The latest research work in the field of electric power systems focuses on the development of new wire materials which will allow the increase of the transmission capacity of power lines currently in use. The reason for this research was the often limited possibilities of continuous and failure-free transmission of electricity. In this paper, the authors present research on a new aluminium-based alloy dedicated for use as a conductive braid in the HTLS cable group. There are many technical solutions for this group of cables on the market, although they are solutions with a number of disadvantages, ranging from their high price, various operational shortcomings, complicated installation techniques, and ending with the risk of monopolistic practices, which is related to the inability to attract several competitive suppliers. The main aim of the research was to develop a new alloy based on aluminium with the addition of silver and molybdenum dedicated for use in special overhead power cables. Experimental research on new materials focused on obtaining the necessary knowledge to produce an overhead wire from these alloys with higher current carrying capacity in relation to the currently used conventional wire materials based on aluminium.


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How to Cite

Research on New Al-Ag-Mo Alloys Dedicated to Wire Applications in Overhead Power Lines. (2023). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 7(1), 9-14.