A New Flexible and Economic Technology for the Low Pressure Sand Casting of Steel Alloys


  • Steven Krumm TU-Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Nico Scheidhauer
  • Gotthard Wolf
  • Claudia Dommaschk




Low pressure casting is a very well established process for the casting of aluminium alloys. In the field of ferrous materials, however, the process has so far only found a few applications. The crucial reasons for this are the low flexibility and poor economic efficiency of the existing technologies. Since 2016, a new technology has been developed at the Foundry Institute of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, in which an induction crucible furnace can be used as a melting unit and, in combination with a cover including a casting pipe, as a casting unit. The new technology stands out from existing low-pressure casting technologies for ferrous materials, particularly in terms of its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The main focus of the activities was the development of a casting pipe as well as the verification of its lifetime, the elaboration and verification of process parameters and sequences as well as the upscaling of the technology for an industrial application. In all considerations, the focus was on both the technical feasibility and the economic efficiency of the process. The result is extensive expertise that can be used in the future to offer a finished product for industrial applications as a plug-and-play solution together with an induction furnace construction company.


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How to Cite

A New Flexible and Economic Technology for the Low Pressure Sand Casting of Steel Alloys. (2021). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 5(3), 45-52. https://doi.org/10.7494/jcme.2021.5.3.45