Recycling of Dispersed Metal Wastes in Rotary Furnaces


  • Sergei Leonid Rovin Belarusian National Technical University
  • Alexander Sergei Kalinichenko Belarusian National Technical University
  • Leonid Efim Rovin Gomel State Technical University named after P.O.Sukhoj



The recycling of dispersed metal containing wastes is a considerable problem, as their accumulation in dumps today is commensurate with the volume of ore extraction. Several methods and technologies are developed to recycle metal containing wastes but almost all of them require the preliminary preparation of wastes resulting in an increased price of the recycled metals. Furthermore, it is especially difficult to recycle dispersed multicomponent wastes and, therefore, the problem of developing effective, flexible and reliable technology for recycling of dispersed metal containing wastes is still a pressing one.

The article presents an alternative method of recycling dispersed iron-containing wastes based on a continuous solid-liquid process of iron oxides reduction in rotary tilting furnaces (RTF). The new method allows the processing of waste of almost any composition and state: from metal lumps to oxide and multicomponent (chips, scale, sludge, etc.) wastes, contaminated with moisture, oils, organic impurities without their preliminary preparation (cleaning, homogenization, pelletizing, etc.). The result of recycling is the production of cast iron or steel ingots or required casting alloys. Some features of technology are considered, including the gas flow and motion of charge metal particles within the RTF. Process parameters providing high metal output are established.


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Author Biographies

  • Sergei Leonid Rovin, Belarusian National Technical University
    Department of Machines and Technology of Foundry Production,  Head of the Department
  • Alexander Sergei Kalinichenko, Belarusian National Technical University
    Department of Machines and Technology of Foundry production, Professor
  • Leonid Efim Rovin, Gomel State Technical University named after P.O.Sukhoj
    Department of Foundry Production, Accociated Proffesor


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How to Cite

Recycling of Dispersed Metal Wastes in Rotary Furnaces. (2019). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 3(2), 43–49.