Measurement of Molding Sand Elasticity


  • Katarzyna Aleksandra Major-Gabryś AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Aleksandra Grabarczyk AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Stanisław Marian Dobosz AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Jarosław Jakubski AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Jan Morek MULTISERW-Morek Company
  • Jaroslav Beňo VSB – Technical University of Ostrava



The progressive mechanization and automation of industrial equipment is the driving force of progress, not only in the field of
production but also in the measuring and control equipment. In mold production, the automation of processes such as forming
molds and cores along with their assembly has led to increases in serial production, reductions in defects, and the shortening
of molding times, among others. Thanks to automation in mold and core departments and the use of all sorts of manipulators,
mold production in foundries has gained momentum.
Unfortunately, in addition to the mentioned advantages, there are also new challenges as to the quality and properties of the
molding and core sands used in highly automated foundries.This article presents recent research on molding sand elasticity.
The topic was introduced as an attempt to answer the new needs of highly mechanized foundries.
The article discusses a new method of measuring the resistance of molding materials to undergoing mechanical deformation
(molding sand elasticity), with an additional analysis of the bending strengths of the tested samples. Precise measurements,
test sample preparation, and interpretation of the received results are presented in the article.


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How to Cite

Measurement of Molding Sand Elasticity. (2018). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 2(2), 38.