Determination of Binder Content in Traditional Sandmixes by Microwave Method


  • Daniel Nowak Wroclaw University of Science and Technology



This paper presents preliminary research on the possibility of determining the binder content in traditional sandmixes by the microwave method. The research included examinations of three kinds of bentonite. The presented measurements were carried-out with the use of a special stand – the so-called slot line. The concentration of the binder in molding sand was determined on the grounds of measurements of a parameter; i.e., absorbed power or output power of the electromagnetic wave. One of the main advantages of the suggested new method is the short time of the measurement.


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How to Cite

Nowak, D. (2018). Determination of Binder Content in Traditional Sandmixes by Microwave Method. Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 1(4), 80.