Calculation of Assimilation Process of Non-metallic Inclusions by Slag


  • Dorota Kalisz AGH - University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland Faculty of Foundry Engineering



This paper presents the results of calculating the phenomenon of the absorption of non-metallic precipitates in steel by slag. Calculations are made for the forces acting on the non-metallic particles in steel during the flow-out into the slag, depending on the particle radius and physicochemical properties of the liquid steel and slag. An analysis of the calculation results of capillary force acting on a particle in the vicinity of the steel-slag interface at changing surface energy values between the precipitates and slag shows that capillary force depends on the interfacial tension between the precipitates and slag only to a small degree.


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How to Cite

Calculation of Assimilation Process of Non-metallic Inclusions by Slag. (2017). Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 1(2), 43.