The Concept of Industry 4.0 Related Manufacturing Technology Maturity Model (Manutech Maturity Model, MTMM)
Industry 4.0, smart factory, manutech maturity model,Abstract
The main objective of this article is to describe Industry 4.0 and key manufacturing-technology-related technological and business challenges for manufacturing companies. The groups especially interested in the industry 4.0 implementation are operations, technical and production directors responsible for operational excellence of manufacturing plants, strategic development and business continuity. Based on latest Industry 4.0 and manufacturing technology market research, factories located in Poland are less technologically advanced than its counterparts in West European plants. Accordingly, development of the model for assessing the current level of maturity for manufacturing technology related to Industry 4.0 initiative becomes a relevant research task. In the article, key Industry 4.0 related technological areas will be described. Based on the extensive research into international references and industrial consulting experiences in industrial business consulting conducted in Polish manufacturing companies, the manufacturing technology ManuTech Maturity Model (MTMM) concept related to Industry 4.0 will be developed and presented. A substantial and innovative part of the article will be devoted to the adjustment of proposed maturity model to specific features of the Polish industrial and manufacturing sector. This will be relevant due to noticeable differences in the level of technological advancement between Western and Eastern Europe sectors.
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