A multi-criteria optimization approach to modeling negotiation process


  • Andrzej Łodziński Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics Chair of Econometrics and Computer Science Warsaw University of Life Sciences




negotiation process, multi-criteria optimization, equitably efficient decision, achievement function, set of negotiations, method for solution selection


The paper presents a multi-criteria optimization approach to modeling negotiation process. The negotiation process is modeled as a special multi-criteria problem. The method for finding solutions is the interactive selection process of some proposals. The parties shall submit their proposals on the subjects of the negotiations. These proposals are parameters of the multi-criteria optimization problem. Selection of solutions is accomplished by solving the optimization problem with parameters that define the aspirations of each party involved in the negotiations. Finally, evaluation of the solutions obtained by the parties is made.


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How to Cite

A multi-criteria optimization approach to modeling negotiation process. (2019). Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 12, 33-44. https://doi.org/10.7494/dmms.2018.12.1-2.33